April 22nd, 2011.
Making lasagna takes a lot of time and energy, so i need my assistant to help me while making it. Let's get into the business,
ingredients you need:
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 stick butter
- 1 box large lasagna pasta
- 3 clove garlic, chopped
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 1 tomato, chopped
- 1 litre fresh milk
- 6 ounces ground beef
- 2 tomato paste
- 3 sachets beef stock
- 4 cups all-purpose flour
- spices: ground black pepper, dried oregano, dried basil leaves, salt
here's a step-by-step guidance on
how to make it:
Heat the stove at medium heat. After a few minutes, pour olive oil and butter until hot and until the butter is melted.
add half of chopped onion and garlic and cook until light brown.
We're going to make the red sauce first. Red sauce means the meat sauce. Add ground beef in few parts so it'll cook thoroughly. Mix well, add two pinch of salt.
Add tomato paste. This brand (see the pic) has bolognese flavour in it. You can add tomato ketchup or chili sauce if you like. Depends on how sweet or how spicy you want the meat sauce to taste.
This is what the red sauce looks like when it's cooked.
Don't forget to pour the beef stock (you might want to mix the beef stock with hot water first).
In a separate pan, boil water (about half of the pan), and cook the lasagna pasta until soft.
In another pan, we're going to make the white sauce. You'd probably known the white sauce as carbonara sauce. Heat the stove, pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil until it's hot, and add the remaining onion and garlic until light brown, or until the beautiful scent of the onion appears.
Pour 1 litre of milk, stir.
Add beef stock, stir.
We want the white sauce to have a quite thick consistency. Add flour to thicken the sauce. Ass the flour by few parts. Add pepper and salt.
And now, we need to assemble all of the elements altogether.
Put the lasagnas at the bottom of the pyrex. Pour red sauce on top of them.
Now pour the white sauce on top of red sauce.
Sprinkle with grated mozarella cheese. Repeat the same order: pasta- red sauce - white sauce - grated mozarella cheese.
... until it looks like this...
Put lasagna in the pre-heated oven (180 degrees C) and let it cook for approximately 30 minutes.
And there you have it. Your awfully delicious lasagna.